Monday, June 21, 2010

The Train Robbers


The Train Robbers Sale

Buy The Train Robbers. A feisty, beautiful widow bands together with three cowboy buddies to recover a cache of gold stolen by her husband and her attempt to clear his son's name. It's wide-open fun and dynamite excitement as The Duke meets his match in lovely Oscar-nominee and Emmy and Golden Globe-winner Ann-Margret ("Grumpy Old Men").

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The Train Robbers Review

There are many ways to cheer yourself up when one is down in the dumps. I have found that one of the things I like to do is put on a good John Wayne western. To those of us who idolized the Duke, his western films and his real-life patriotism and love of country, made many of us feel better about America. It is perhaps the reason why this man is still idolized despite being deceased over 30 years. And considering the events currently taking place in our country with the current people we have in power, boy do we need him now.
"The Train Robbers" is not Waynes best western, it is no "Searchers," no "Hondo," no "Rio Bravo" or "El Dorado" and no "Shootist." It is simply an enjoyable western with some good action, beautiful scenery and a great supporting cast. Co-starring with the Duke is Ann-Margret as the woman who hires Wayne and his group of cohorts to recover some gold stolen by her deceased husband. One forgets how absolutely beautiful Ann-Margret was until one sees her in her prime. (I had the pleasure of briefly meeting her recently and mentioned to her that she co-starred with 2 of my favorites: Wayne in "The Train Robbers" and Elvis in "Viva Las Vegas." She seemed pleased and said "Bless their hearts.") Also co-starring is the great Rod Taylor, an actor I greatly admired from 2 of the favorite films of my childhood: Hitchcock's "The Birds" and George Pal's "The Time Machine." (See Taylor currently in "Inglourious Basterds." Apparently Tarentino idolized him as well.) The film also co-stars the terrific Ben Johnson, a man seemingly incapable of giving a bad performance. Ricardo Montalban is also good as a mysterious stranger following the group.
For a Warner Bros. DVD, this disc shockingly has a couple special features: a nice little featurette featuring the stuntmen who worked on this film reminiscing about working with Wayne on this film, a vintage featurette on the production of this film and trailers of other Wayne films on Warner Bros. DVDs. The picture and sound quality of this disc are very good.
As stated, if you want to sit back and relax with an enjoyable Wayne western, this is for you. It is no "Rio Bravo," (my favorite Wayne western,) but then again, what is? You can buy Cheap The Train Robbers online fast and easy, Shop Today!.

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