Monday, April 12, 2010

Greatest Heroes and Legends of the Bible: Daniel and the Lion's Den


Greatest Heroes and Legends of the Bible: Daniel and the Lion's Den Sale

Studio: Gaiam Americas Release Date: 02/03/2004 Rating: Nr

Special Price at Amazon Click to See Price


Greatest Heroes and Legends of the Bible: Daniel and the Lion's Den Customer Review

We enjoyed this at our house, my wife and I and our 13 year old son. The animated show begins with a live action introduction by Charlton Heston, who is the host for this whole biblical animated series. Frankly, there are not a lot of shows out there that visualize in any form the Book of Daniel from the Old Testament of the Bible. And we really wanted to see it in a visual form. While the producers did change some things here and there to move the story along and due to time limits, there are some great segments from the Book of Daniel included. It begins with the capture of Daniel and other young boys of Israel by the Babylonians, shows their tutoring and service to the King as they grow older. It relates how they stayed true to their faith despite great pressure in a foreign land.

Daniel especially is undermined by government officials that are jealous of his great administrative skills. They try to have him killed for his faith, which he never denies. The movie shows the an abbreviated version of Daniel's interpretation of King Nebuchadnezzar's dream. It shows the appearance of the mysterious hand on the wall, and Daniel's interpretation of the strange writing for King Darius. It shows the Median/Persian king selecting Daniel to counsel him as well. And of course it shows Daniel being sent to the lions den, due to scheming by others when Daniel refuses to renounce his faith.
Now for some parents, you may be concerned over incidents where the king has advisers put to death who tried to undermine Daniel, and Daniel does not object. It was OK with us as our boy is older. The film is 50 minutes in length.

As for bible teaching, you may have to take some notes and correct a few liberties taken with the text, in a family discussion after the show as we did. But the message of the scripture gets through, the plot and animation are interesting and never boring. Also from this series we have seen David & Goliath, and Joshua and the Battle of Jericho, they are also well done.

If you watch this series and are interested in what other companies are producing in bible animation, also check out a series produced in England for the BBC, title "Testament, the Bible in Animation", available at

★★★ Read More Reviews ★★★


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